Biomass Briquetting Equipment
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What need to be known before investing in briquette machine?

With the increasing sales of charcoal in the market, there are more and more investors of briquette machine. The investment of charcoal is not to buy a set of charcoal production equipment, it also need to know the professional knowledge of the equipment, and the factors influencing the output of charcoal production so as to create better economic benefits through the investment of briquette machine.

briquette machine
One of the main factors affecting the yield of charcoal is the problem of raw materials. Charcoal made of raw materials with large carbon content has high heat and long combustion time. It has met with great favor both at home and abroad. On the contrary, when making charcoal with raw materials of less carbon content, it is hard to achieve good results and the market demand is also small.
Charcoal produced by sawdust briquette machine has large density, high calorific value, smokeless, tasteless, pollution-free, non-explosion, flammable. It is internationally recognized as a green environmental protection product. Many investors of briquette machine are confused about how to make good charcoal with briquette machine and the storage of charcoal after production. The following is about how to store the charcoal produced by briquette machine.
The first is the cooling of the charcoal. The newly produced charcoal should not be packed immediately, instead, it should be left for 8 to 12 hours until it is completely cooled before it can be packed. If it is not placed, there will still be sparks in the newly produced charcoal, which is easy to reignite and cause fire.
The second is storage. Warehouses can be brick, concrete or steel structures, which must have good ventilation, and in the event of a fire, all sides can be opened to easily and quickly access the fire scene. There should not be intermediate pillars between the span of the roof. The roof can be galvanized board, it can also be covered with asbestos board. The ground may be brick, stone, concrete, or even compacted earth. Hosepipes should be prepared in different places. In case of fire, it is a good idea to use a tractor equipped with a shovel to pull the unburned charcoal out of the warehouse.
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